Thursday, July 17, 2008

Types of Fanboys

NOTE: I know that fangirls exist too, but I'm too lazy to write both every time and "fanboys" is the more recognized term.

This post is mostly just to set up my next post, as well as other posts that involve fanboys. Basically, there are two main types of fanboys. Usually the term has a negative connotation because people always think of the first type; I'll call them Type-A fanboys, because it's a good classification system, and also because they tend to exhibit Type-A personalities. These are the fanboys that I rant about; the ones who are loyal to one of the "big three" (Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft) and go on forums and blogs to complain about the other two. Any time something good happens to one of the other two companies, Type-A fanboys complain and complain, apparently thinking the companies (or other gamers for that matter) give a rat's ass about their opinions. And of course, they fiercely defend any stupid move that their preferred company makes. Nintendo sues Nyko for making a wireless nunchuk? Type-A fanboys say Nyko should have asked permission first (while also buying up the wireless ones). Microsoft creates "avatars" and claims they were not at all inspired by Nintendo? Type-A fanboys believe it (and continue to bash the concept of Miis despite even the official Xbox Magazine using them). Sony removes backwards compatibility, one of their big selling points, from the PS3? Type-A fanboys claim that nobody really cares about PS2 games (while also talking about how great it is that PS2 games are still being made). And of course, whenever representatives of the preferred company say things that are clearly not true (like the avatar/Mii example above), Type-A fanboys believe and defend it. Type-A fanboys flame and insult anyone who disagrees with them. I mentioned the hilariously named "Mr. Common Sense" in a previous post; he's a prime example.

Then there are Type-B fanboys. I admit to being a Type-B Nintendo fanboy, and I have no problem admitting to it because I have nothing against Type-B fanboys. Type-B fanboys also have a strong loyalty to one of the "big three", whether it's because that's what they've always had, or because they just like that company's products a lot. What separates them from Type-A fanboys is that they're not assholes about it. Type-B fanboys spread their opinions, sure. And they may dislike one or both of the other companies, regardless of which company they do like. But they don't insult people who disagree with them, try to look at things objectively, and don't blindly agree with everything their preferred company does. I mentioned earlier my distaste for Nintendo suing Nyko, and I'm not a fan of some of Nintendo's other choices. That doesn't mean I don't love Nintendo.

It's hard to be a Type-B fanboy. I do dislike Sony, and while that is not because I like Nintendo (it's because of their business practices and bad PR), it's hard to deny that I probably wouldn't have as much of a problem with them if I wasn't a Type-B Nintendo fanboy. But that still doesn't make me a Type-A fanboy, for two simple reasons: I'm not an asshole to others about it, and I don't blindly follow Nintendo. There are subtleties; Type-B fanboys can do Type-A things, and vice-versa. But those two factors (not being an asshole and not blindly agreeing) are the key difference.

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